What Is Orthopedics?

Orthopedics is a medical field that focuses on treating bone, muscle and joint problems. It’s also known as musculoskeletal medicine, and it can help people of all ages lead happier lives without pain or discomfort.

An orthopedist can treat your pain or injury with a variety of nonsurgical treatments. These include splints, over-the-counter medicines and physical therapy.

Bone and Joint Injuries

Often associated with high-impact activities and sports, fractures (cracking or breaking a bone) are common orthopedic injuries. They can range from a hairline crack to complete break. Fractures are usually the result of trauma but may also occur due to osteoporosis which weakens bones over time.

Dislocations are when a bone slips out of a joint and can cause damage to surrounding tissues. Symptoms include pain and swelling in the affected area.

Sprains and strains are when ligaments, which connect bone to bone, are overstretched or torn from sudden twists or impacts. They can also happen when muscles or tendons, which connect muscle to bone, are overused.

Persistent musculoskeletal symptoms are a sign of an orthopedic condition and should be evaluated by a medical professional. Book an appointment today! Advanced Ortho and Spine has locations in Mt. Juliet and Hermitage, near Nashville, TN. We offer comprehensive musculoskeletal care and advance orthopedic excellence. Our team is ready to help you get back on your feet!

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of a body passage or opening, especially one where spinal nerves pass through. The condition usually affects the spine in the lower back and neck. Symptoms include pain or cramping in the back, legs, feet or arms. The pain usually gets worse when you stand or walk for a long time. Symptoms often go away when you sit or lean forward. Occasionally, the symptoms can lead to weakness in your arms and hands or loss of control of your bowel or bladder.

Herniated discs can cause stenosis by occupying space in the spinal canal and directly pressing on nerves. Bone overgrowth can also form if the small joints that create the spinal canal get arthritic, causing them to shrink in size and close the exiting spinal nerve tunnels. Rarely, tumors can grow inside the spinal cord and cause stenosis. Treatment for spinal stenosis typically involves pain relievers and exercises to strengthen the muscles that support your spine.부산족부정형외과


Tendons are strong fibers that connect muscles to bones in a joint. Most tendon problems are caused by repetitive movements, especially those performed in sports or jobs that require similar motions over and over. Age can also reduce tendons’ flexibility, increasing the likelihood of injury.

Symptoms include tenderness, pain and swelling. In mild cases, home remedies like RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) can take care of the problem. Pain medications like NSAIDs can provide temporary relief. A physical therapist can help improve movement and strengthen the affected area. For chronic tendon issues, platelet-rich plasma injections may offer relief.


You can prevent tendonitis by stretching and warming up before exercise and taking breaks during activities. A PT can also recommend ergonomic improvements for work and home and proper technique in sports and recreational activities to decrease stress on joints and muscles. If these methods don’t improve symptoms, a orthopedic specialist can prescribe medication or minimally invasive surgery like tendoscopy to repair the damaged area.부산무지외반증


If you have a sharp, electric-shock sensation that travels from your lower back down the back of your leg, sciatica may be the cause. A spine specialist can diagnose the condition through a physical exam that tests your range of motion, feels your spine and checks for muscle spasms, reflexes and nerve changes.

An MRI, CT scan with myelogram and an electromyogram may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and identify areas of nerve compression or spinal stenosis. X-rays can also help.

Most people who have sciatica can get relief from conservative treatment methods like rest, ice packs, over-the-counter pain relievers, physical therapy and epidural steroid injections. For severe cases, a spine surgeon can perform surgical procedures to remove bone spurs, herniated discs and spondylolisthesis that are causing the sciatic nerve pressure. Surgery is usually reserved for those with chronic, disabling symptoms and those who have developed cauda equina syndrome. It is important to seek treatment for sciatica as early as possible to prevent further damage.